Why I Want To Be A Web Designer

When I first started my web design classes spring of sophomore year I was honestly pretty scared. Like I previously mentioned I was always told that you need to be really good at math to understand coding. I knew for a fact I suck at math and would never be good at it. I am so so so happy to say that that was wrong. From the very first class I fell in love with coding and web design. I find it absolutely amazing that numbers and letters   can create something like a website.

My favorite thing about web design is how intricate everything is. How if you forget to put a comma your website is instantly messed up. I am a very big problem solver so having to go through each line and figure out exactly what is wrong excites me!

I am very much looking forward to my future as a web designer. I cannot wait to work for clients and make them the website of their dreams. I cannot wait to turn their vision into a reality and help them promote their company. I am just overall very excited to start my career as a web designer, and hey you never know I could be the next great thing!!!

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